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InsectHvH vs desire and static 2V2 |11-2|

buying question

i only have 10 usd, i want the csgo hack. is there anyway i can pay for like 7 days till i get more money?

Typical arabs without sk33t user

Cheat 32 bit

Is aimware available in 32 bit versions and if so, is 64 bit and 32 bit different?

dragy who? & deluxe owned by zu krass $

Problem with buy pay pal

Trying to buy cheat paypal and pop up it

Unfortunately, we are unable to finalize this purchase right now
Return to your merchant's website and select a different form of payment.


CSGO HvH feat. Aimware.net


Is the cheat disabled or something? was trying to purchase and says the cart for it is disabled or something


Ich habe jedesmal das selbe Problem : Leider können wir Ihren Einkauf zurzeit nicht abschließen. Ich habe mehr als genug Guthaben auf dem Account und Bankkonto und oder Kreditkarte kann ich nicht hinzufügen da ich keine 18 bin... kann man diese nervige und behinderte Fehlermeldung weg bekommen

have a trouble

i hope everything  going well 
i bought 2 aimware cheat 
1 of them for 1 month and one for 1 year 
the monthly ons has expired and i can activate the yearly one please help 

best <3


Hi wollte paar fragen zum GTA V hack stellen.
1. Funktioniert der Hack mit beiden versionen.
2. Wie safe ist der Money drop und was sind die Riski funktionen.
3. Gab es detections ?
4. Funktioniert der Hack auf allen servern?

HWID Questions

So, I have 2 PCs, and I am planning on using both of them. If I can only use them on one, thats fine, but will I still be able to use it if I upgrade my hardware? I am planning on getting new GPU and HDDs.


Honest Testimonial

Dear All,
I'm developing csgo cheats now for 3 years and I studied "informatics" 8 years ago at the University.
I did more than 4 full featured internal private cheats.

Now I'm sick of doing everything by my own. (in the world of game hacking are a lot of shitty kids which you can never trust, awful).
So, I decided to buy the best cheat on the marked. I knew AIMWARE since years and I knew what I buy and I knew as well, that a public cheat can never stay forever VAC undetected.

As I’ve started using this cheat the first time, I must say, the quality is on the highest level as it can be. If you have ever done a program for your own usage, you know what I’m talking about. You are taking care of quite a lot of different things, not only about the functions from the program. The performance, the feeling, the safety etc.
First time I’ve used Aimware:
I need to say that the feeling was fantastic. There is no bug in the program. The GUI (menu) is user friendly as hell and so clear, that you will find everything really easy. The standard settings are made that you have automatically the core/main features what you need in place. With the help of the board it takes maybe 30minutes to configure everything for your own and to know how to handle configs and how to copy paste them. Really simple.
Please read the board/forum.

Aimbot is perfect to play legit. All legit settings can be setup by your own and you have the opportunity to define them for each category (pistol, rifle etc.). I had maybe 70% of the settings in my own cheats and AIMWARE has even more and everything works flowless. Brutal, really!

Ragebot I would say is the best public Ragebot on earth. If you know the settings, you are able to decide most matches by your own. “MM”.
You can setup your rage bot now also for each Weapon category. For me not needed, but I guess it was requested view times.
Really good is that you can setup the cheat also for your computer! Not every computer is able to use the so called “Backtrack” or “Position Adjustment” very high. For that reason, they provide several options for CPU intensive features.
ß You do not have that everywhere!

The visuals are coded really well. Even if you are using CPU intensive features, they are coded in a way that your fps will not drop that much. On this you can see/feel how knowledgeable they are. About the features I do not need to say that much! Everything is there, everything is working fantastic and you can configure everything for your own. Even the color of the gui can be configured now from yourself. There is nothing which needs to be added.

Also not so much to say. All features which are there are working perfectly. Never faced any issues and never had the feeling that something is missing! That speaks for itself. For me, there are even too much features, same as visuals. But to have too much is not a disadvantage!

Config Manager :
Is working perfect and as soon as you know how it works you will start loving it.

Additionally I would say that AIMWARE got a VAC bann in the time of my subscription. They fixed the issue so fast, unbelievable. They changed, as far as I know the injection system and ofc that is quite a lot of work. A lot of users got blue screens in the first days but they were able to solve them all. As far as I know, everyone got the time back to the subscription. (3-5days or something). They are really taking care of you! You can recommend also new features to the cheat. The coders are taking care of that and a lot of things were added within the last view months which were requested from users…. From my perspective, it cannot be better.

I’m cheating for 7 years. Coding my own cheats for 3 years.
I need to say:

Best public cheat on planet right now!

If you buy another public cheat… nobody can help you! Be a part of our community, trust me, aimware is really really good!

CS:GO Cheat - 10/10

I joined Aimware on the 11-04-2016, and it's by far the best cheat out there as of right now for playing legit. 

Legitbot - 10/10 
The legitbot is easy to set up, and there are loads of Configs on the forums for you to try and reconfig for your playstyle. 

Ragebot - 15/10 
Making sk33ters eat shit <3 

Visuals - 10/10 

The chams are amazing, 3D ESP Box, hitmarkers and everything. I'm fucking amazed. 
So many options, and easy to set up if you're not really into the advanced set up. 

Misc - 10/10 
Autostrafer, Skinchanger and everything else you would need for your cheating experience; Again easy to set up, easy to use. :D

I recommend Aimware for all it's worth, loads of cheats to chose from, not every cheat is updated but still fun to use ESP when it's working, they'll fix it tho :]

I hadn't tried Aimware before I bought Master Package lifetime. 15/10 worth it. 


Dominating wingman hvh (reupload)

i had to reupload it cuz of the copyright strike

Buy aimware

i would like to buy aimware now with paysafe please awnser asap

Random HVH Clips

MM HvH Highlights

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