I am trying to login to my DrSavage111 account and its not letting me. My email is troller1002@gmail.com please help me out., it says the fucking password is incorrect or something I NEED HELP PLEASE...
View Article3 v 1 and still owned
kids try to hvh me 3v1 but they rq one by one coz no chance vs pHack :( and finnaly kid with private hack rq too :(((( aimware 2 strong 4 the scene xD
View ArticleH1Z1 Cheat
I was thinking of buying Aimware H1Z1 Hacks i have used CSGO Hacks before and only suffered 1 ban which is fine but i was wondering what are the possible ways i could be banned in H1Z1? Thank You Best...
View ArticleQuestion about master package
Most likely going to buy the master package but i am thinking about sharing it with some people am i allowed to share my account with just a few people? or is that a no no
View ArticleXcH vs xaNe
for ya retards who think XcH is better than me lmfao kid is a newfag and will never get on my level kid got burned y0 XcH thx for the points lmao
View Article1 Year Aimware testimonial
Today is the day I have been apart of aimware for 1 year! and I will give my thoughts for every game I have used with aimware. CS:GO: Legit-bot, 10/10 The legit-bot is by far the best part of aimware...
View ArticleAimware on different computer
I was wondering if I would be able to use aimware on a different computer such as my laptop if I want to use the hacks when I'm on holiday?
View ArticleI bought the H1Z1 cheat today, but accidentaly got sent to the wrong email...
Hello, as the title says, I bought the H1Z1 account just now and I sent it to my new(but not connectable email account). I've tried to recover my email but it's impossible, so I have to use my old one,...
View Articlebanned
sorry for kinda spamming this but why do i keep getting banned on desktop but not on laptop. I was unbanned for most of yesterday then banned again around 9:30pm UTC-06:00
View ArticleCan I manually pay?
Hey I'm wondering how I can manually send money from my paypal to aimwares. Whats the email? What do I write as the note? Thanks, im trying to get the master pack for a year btw.
View Articlecsgo not detected
Hey there about how much longer do you think till the cs:go hack is detected. Also can you change the fov of silentaim?
https://gyazo.com/33b1e33b59fa8694790fcf11e6a432e4 iwebz rekt as always aimware #1
View Articlecant pay with paypal
so yeah i dont have any money on paypal and i cant use my card. is there anyway that i can pay with paysafe or steam codes?
View Articlenoob unity gettin wreckt
unity is so fkn bad lmao me and viCe > hvhkingz since 2k7 aimware #1 http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HVHKINGS
View Articleunity wreckt again !1!!1!
unity is so fkn bad lmao me and viCe > hvhkingz since 2k7 aimware #1 http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HVHKINGS
View ArticleCSGO hacks install
I really want to buy the CSGO hacks but I am not sure if you need an injector or a flash driver or if you can just install it and run. If someone could me that would be great. Thanks.
View ArticleCan't Buy H1Z1
I can't seem to purchase H1Z1? I see some people on the forum managed to purchase it? "There is an error in your previous action, please check the list below for an easy understanding of what happened....
View ArticleAimware vs. Iwebz
I didn't get to take a screenshot of their score but every1 just left aimware to good
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