I intentionally bought this hack cause I own a business where I sell CSGO accounts, and I needed some hacks so I can get into the high ranks such as LEM and Global. Gold Nova And MG Were easy for me and as I solo que all my games, I needed some legit looking hacks. I went online and searched "BEST PAID CSGO HACK" and this came up first. Ive used it for some time now and heres my review.
LegitBot : 8.9/10
It gets the job done, a slight aim assist, however not much of a difference if on low settings, took me quite a while to find my perfect legit settings. I have used this to get to ranks like Global or LEM and its quite good. Ofc nowhere near as OP as ragebot so dont even worry about ow ban!
RageBot : 10/10
This is perfect for me, as I sell accounts and rank 3 accounts are a high demand and Ragebot gets me to rank3 really quickly. Amazing absolotely amazing!
Visuals : 9.9/10
Not as Customize able as I would like but its not bad its actually quite nice. Customizable visuals etc....
Misc : 10/10
Anti -Untrusted is in here, Making sure u dont get an untrusted ban.
Overall : 9.5/10
It does what it says and is amazing. Only improvement that could be done, is that they add No-Recoil to Legit mode, that would be pretty cool :D.
LegitBot : 8.9/10
It gets the job done, a slight aim assist, however not much of a difference if on low settings, took me quite a while to find my perfect legit settings. I have used this to get to ranks like Global or LEM and its quite good. Ofc nowhere near as OP as ragebot so dont even worry about ow ban!
RageBot : 10/10
This is perfect for me, as I sell accounts and rank 3 accounts are a high demand and Ragebot gets me to rank3 really quickly. Amazing absolotely amazing!
Visuals : 9.9/10
Not as Customize able as I would like but its not bad its actually quite nice. Customizable visuals etc....
Misc : 10/10
Anti -Untrusted is in here, Making sure u dont get an untrusted ban.
Overall : 9.5/10
It does what it says and is amazing. Only improvement that could be done, is that they add No-Recoil to Legit mode, that would be pretty cool :D.