Hello, i am tired of the cheaters around matchmaking and i want to use this cheat also. I am asking, it is possible to be ever detected by valve and get banned ? I want to use this cheat on my account wich is very very old and i have a lot of games.
I know that you can be banned on overwatch if you play very bad, but i am asking about valve's anticheat.
Second question is, what about ESEA and faceit ? Is this cheat working there to ?
Third, with this cheat, since is subscription only, i can use on only 1 account or more, if is on the same pc ?
Thank you,
I know that you can be banned on overwatch if you play very bad, but i am asking about valve's anticheat.
Second question is, what about ESEA and faceit ? Is this cheat working there to ?
Third, with this cheat, since is subscription only, i can use on only 1 account or more, if is on the same pc ?
Thank you,