So I've been using AIMWARE for nearly a month now and this is all I can say...
Apologies in advance for any typos, english is not my native language.
Legitbot : 10/10 - Great if you want to hide the aimbot, I, personally have never been called out for cheating, also, you'll never be Overwatched with the right Legitbot settings.
Ragebot : 10/10 - Annihilates every cheat, I don't use it often, but when I need to, I never lose against the other cheater.
Visuals : 9.5/10 - Just perfect, it suits every visual style, from glow to chams, to thirdperson, and so on, I'll have to give it a 9.5 just because the patched FarESP :(
Misc : 10/10 - Everything you could think of. You want a skinchanger ? No problem. You want to fakelag ? No problem.
Configs : 10/10 - User-friendly saving system, great for people not so familiar with cheats.
Overall : 9.9/10 - This cheat has everything, I didn't mention everything, but it sure has a lot of stuff to play with. I recommend you to buy it for its different playstyles, whether it be legit or rage.
Apologies in advance for any typos, english is not my native language.
Legitbot : 10/10 - Great if you want to hide the aimbot, I, personally have never been called out for cheating, also, you'll never be Overwatched with the right Legitbot settings.
Ragebot : 10/10 - Annihilates every cheat, I don't use it often, but when I need to, I never lose against the other cheater.
Visuals : 9.5/10 - Just perfect, it suits every visual style, from glow to chams, to thirdperson, and so on, I'll have to give it a 9.5 just because the patched FarESP :(
Misc : 10/10 - Everything you could think of. You want a skinchanger ? No problem. You want to fakelag ? No problem.
Configs : 10/10 - User-friendly saving system, great for people not so familiar with cheats.
Overall : 9.9/10 - This cheat has everything, I didn't mention everything, but it sure has a lot of stuff to play with. I recommend you to buy it for its different playstyles, whether it be legit or rage.