General Overview:
Overall, this cheat was a pretty big disappointment. A lot of features were either lacking in quality or simply did not work. Not to mention about 90% of the time is causes Garry's Mod to crash at some point or another. All things written in this review are obviously my own opinion and experience with the cheat.
Legit Bot: (0/10)
In Garry's Mod, there is almost never any need for a legit bot with as much detail as this. It is clear that the legit bot has been copied over from CS:GO into this cheat and not much thought has been put into the implementation of the legit bot. The only thing I would say that is remotely useful that is included is the triggerbot section. Everything else is far to overcomplicated for a game such as Garry's Mod and is completely un-needed.
Rage Bot: (2/10)
Ok before I start talking about the ragebot, I'm not saying it doesn't work. The basic functionality of the rage bot does work. However, it is severely lacking in quality and broken. To start with, the no recoil, no vis recoil, and nospread only work with default HL2 weapons. If you have ever played Garry's Mod, you know that almost all servers never use these weapons. They all uses some form of custom weapons or CS:S Weapons.
The rage bot also needs a serious overhaul. As mentioned previously, the legit bot should just be ditched. However, a smooth option should be added to the rage bot as well as an "On Key" option so that it can be used for semi-legit play.
Finally, this is only my personal experience but the rage aimbot is incredibly slow and inaccurate and is nowhere near as refined as it is for some of the other products which have much more time put into them.
Visuals: (5/10)
Overall, visuals work fine. To be honest I'd say it's the one stable and working as intended thing in the entire cheat. It could definitely use some refining though. Depending on the server, scripted entities can cause a complete fuckfest on your screen and completely destroy your FP or more than likely, crash your game. The solution to this imo would be to add a whitelist/blacklist for scripted entities so that the user can select what scripted entities should and shouldn't show. Just to include another thing here, can't say I've really experienced this from personal experience. However, a lot of people in the Sub-Forum complain that the anti-screenshot either doesn't work or simply doesn't support some of the newer screengrab plugins on servers now-a-days.
Misc: (2/10)
First off, menu scaling on the cheat is awful. It forces you to inject at fullscreen and then downscale your resolution to windowed if you want to. If you try to inject while in windowed mode in any resolution, it will think the center of the screen is in the top left and the menu will not open at all.
Lua Stealer as well as console logger are both broken. Either fix them or remove them. Not much else that needs to be said about this.
Aurstuck is broken and needs to be fixed. I also have a suspicion fakelag is broken as well but not confirmed.
Circle Strafe is broken from what I can tell and would appear that all Autostrafe modes are the exact same thing. The strafer seems very inefficient and slow at strafing. A cool idea to add for the Autostrafer would be an Auto-Run or AutoShift feature. So that you can gain speed faster while strafing.
Overall, this cheat needs a serious recode. There are far too many broken features or things that simply just don't work. It's almost like the CS:GO cheat is the spoilt child who gets anything it asks for meanwhile the Garry's Mod cheat is the neglected child who is simply forgotten about. (Very Sick Analogy.)
On a side note, it would be awesome to see a little more staff/community activity in the Garry's Mod Sub-Forum as well. Many people are doing legitimate bug reports and feature suggestions but rarely ever get answered or addressed by staff.
At this current moment in time, I would not recommend anyone buy this cheat until it gets a recode or gets fixed up as you will have a lot of issues with it and it currently is simply not worth the money you pay for it.
Overall, this cheat was a pretty big disappointment. A lot of features were either lacking in quality or simply did not work. Not to mention about 90% of the time is causes Garry's Mod to crash at some point or another. All things written in this review are obviously my own opinion and experience with the cheat.
Legit Bot: (0/10)
In Garry's Mod, there is almost never any need for a legit bot with as much detail as this. It is clear that the legit bot has been copied over from CS:GO into this cheat and not much thought has been put into the implementation of the legit bot. The only thing I would say that is remotely useful that is included is the triggerbot section. Everything else is far to overcomplicated for a game such as Garry's Mod and is completely un-needed.
Rage Bot: (2/10)
Ok before I start talking about the ragebot, I'm not saying it doesn't work. The basic functionality of the rage bot does work. However, it is severely lacking in quality and broken. To start with, the no recoil, no vis recoil, and nospread only work with default HL2 weapons. If you have ever played Garry's Mod, you know that almost all servers never use these weapons. They all uses some form of custom weapons or CS:S Weapons.
The rage bot also needs a serious overhaul. As mentioned previously, the legit bot should just be ditched. However, a smooth option should be added to the rage bot as well as an "On Key" option so that it can be used for semi-legit play.
Finally, this is only my personal experience but the rage aimbot is incredibly slow and inaccurate and is nowhere near as refined as it is for some of the other products which have much more time put into them.
Visuals: (5/10)
Overall, visuals work fine. To be honest I'd say it's the one stable and working as intended thing in the entire cheat. It could definitely use some refining though. Depending on the server, scripted entities can cause a complete fuckfest on your screen and completely destroy your FP or more than likely, crash your game. The solution to this imo would be to add a whitelist/blacklist for scripted entities so that the user can select what scripted entities should and shouldn't show. Just to include another thing here, can't say I've really experienced this from personal experience. However, a lot of people in the Sub-Forum complain that the anti-screenshot either doesn't work or simply doesn't support some of the newer screengrab plugins on servers now-a-days.
Misc: (2/10)
First off, menu scaling on the cheat is awful. It forces you to inject at fullscreen and then downscale your resolution to windowed if you want to. If you try to inject while in windowed mode in any resolution, it will think the center of the screen is in the top left and the menu will not open at all.
Lua Stealer as well as console logger are both broken. Either fix them or remove them. Not much else that needs to be said about this.
Aurstuck is broken and needs to be fixed. I also have a suspicion fakelag is broken as well but not confirmed.
Circle Strafe is broken from what I can tell and would appear that all Autostrafe modes are the exact same thing. The strafer seems very inefficient and slow at strafing. A cool idea to add for the Autostrafer would be an Auto-Run or AutoShift feature. So that you can gain speed faster while strafing.
Overall, this cheat needs a serious recode. There are far too many broken features or things that simply just don't work. It's almost like the CS:GO cheat is the spoilt child who gets anything it asks for meanwhile the Garry's Mod cheat is the neglected child who is simply forgotten about. (Very Sick Analogy.)
On a side note, it would be awesome to see a little more staff/community activity in the Garry's Mod Sub-Forum as well. Many people are doing legitimate bug reports and feature suggestions but rarely ever get answered or addressed by staff.
At this current moment in time, I would not recommend anyone buy this cheat until it gets a recode or gets fixed up as you will have a lot of issues with it and it currently is simply not worth the money you pay for it.