Hello, so I have some concerns relating your product. To make this an easy read for you I will list my concerns. P.S I also contacted ''Sim'' but did not receive a reply, my settings were correctly set to receive a message.
1. Someone asked on a post what cheats are least likely to be undetected and safe to you use and what cheats you get instantly banned from, the moderator replied saying in ''VIP Forums'' you can see a list of what cheats you can use without being banned on the spot, This seems shady to me as if you are hiding something, saying you have all these things like skin changer and stuff but once you paid you are restricted but you may only get notified what is restricted afterwards?
2. In one of the user posts on the forums a User asked when the last detection was, the administrator replies saying it was a week ago, in a later post another user asks this but this time receiving a different answer from staff team, this time the staff team claims it was almost a year ago, this again seems edgy and weird and would like some clarification before purchase.
3. A lot of the posts users asks how safe it is to use, and a lot of the times the staff replies it's 100% safe, and in few instances they regard it as a 99% chance of being banned. This to me sounds fishy due to the fact that no hack is 100% safe or even 99% safe, if I am a customer of yours I would like to be informed what the average time to be banned using each individual cheat utility.
4. The soul purpose of my interest of purchasing this ''Cheat'' is due to it claiming to have a ''Skin Changer'', A lot of websites can claim this but usually turns to disappointment, so I ask you this and please answer with full honesty and don't try to sell it like it's got 0 issues and it's perfect in every way, because that's just nothing I will relate too. Now back to the question, Can you use it with sv_pure 1 setting, is it usable in Matchmaking/Esea/Faceit/scrim lobbies, What are the flaws/risks, Does it include knifes? And is it even usable in the first place? Or is it restricted to Offline lobbies and LAN?
5. In another post a user asked for a 1 day trial, this again seemed weird to me, and got me wondering why a company that claims to be and do what everyone requires it to why would they not let him try it for 1 day to make sure it is what you say it is, Almost like you are hiding the real product but of course this is only speculation and can be explained.
6. I would like some proof of someone using this Skin Changer plugin in a Matchmaking lobby, and don't try to cheap out by sending screenshot with bots around or something in that manner, or a community server, A screenshot with a Dragon lore and or a rare knife with tab opened showing your name hopefully set to something related to AIMWARE so it's not faked and of course the rank showed in tab menu.
Hope this isn't a struggle if all works well you have a loyal customer to your Skin Changing Functions and ready with a wallet.
Love /Unheard
1. Someone asked on a post what cheats are least likely to be undetected and safe to you use and what cheats you get instantly banned from, the moderator replied saying in ''VIP Forums'' you can see a list of what cheats you can use without being banned on the spot, This seems shady to me as if you are hiding something, saying you have all these things like skin changer and stuff but once you paid you are restricted but you may only get notified what is restricted afterwards?
2. In one of the user posts on the forums a User asked when the last detection was, the administrator replies saying it was a week ago, in a later post another user asks this but this time receiving a different answer from staff team, this time the staff team claims it was almost a year ago, this again seems edgy and weird and would like some clarification before purchase.
3. A lot of the posts users asks how safe it is to use, and a lot of the times the staff replies it's 100% safe, and in few instances they regard it as a 99% chance of being banned. This to me sounds fishy due to the fact that no hack is 100% safe or even 99% safe, if I am a customer of yours I would like to be informed what the average time to be banned using each individual cheat utility.
4. The soul purpose of my interest of purchasing this ''Cheat'' is due to it claiming to have a ''Skin Changer'', A lot of websites can claim this but usually turns to disappointment, so I ask you this and please answer with full honesty and don't try to sell it like it's got 0 issues and it's perfect in every way, because that's just nothing I will relate too. Now back to the question, Can you use it with sv_pure 1 setting, is it usable in Matchmaking/Esea/Faceit/scrim lobbies, What are the flaws/risks, Does it include knifes? And is it even usable in the first place? Or is it restricted to Offline lobbies and LAN?
5. In another post a user asked for a 1 day trial, this again seemed weird to me, and got me wondering why a company that claims to be and do what everyone requires it to why would they not let him try it for 1 day to make sure it is what you say it is, Almost like you are hiding the real product but of course this is only speculation and can be explained.
6. I would like some proof of someone using this Skin Changer plugin in a Matchmaking lobby, and don't try to cheap out by sending screenshot with bots around or something in that manner, or a community server, A screenshot with a Dragon lore and or a rare knife with tab opened showing your name hopefully set to something related to AIMWARE so it's not faked and of course the rank showed in tab menu.
Hope this isn't a struggle if all works well you have a loyal customer to your Skin Changing Functions and ready with a wallet.
Love /Unheard