General Overview:
Aimware offers a great cheating experience whether it be legit or rage/hvh. A majority of the time I used the hack, I was using it for Hack vs Hack so that will be what this testimonial will be based off. I did give the cheat a minor test in regards to the legit-bot, but it will be nowhere near as thorough as the RageBot. Obviously all things stated here are my opinion and you can obviously feel free to have your own opinion about some of the things I talk about.
Legit Bot: (6/10)
The Legit Bot is well coded and well structured. With everything you would ever need for basic legit cheating. However, I did sometimes feel that the aimbot was a little snappy or blatant, even when using it on incredibly low Field of View's and Smoothing/Speed. However, that being said, it did not get me Overwatch banned and is definitely worth using if you want an edge over your opponents.
I do however feel that the Legit Bot is missing a few things for more advanced legit cheaters. Things like being able to use pSilent with a Low FoV and customise it with Weapon Configs. I also think the addition of a pSilent trigger like many other P2C's have would be pretty cool as well. (Also referred to as "Magnet Trigger")
Like I said though, these are pretty advanced things that you kinda have to be careful with to not look blatant. Overall though, the legit bot is pretty good.
Rage Bot: (10/10)
Now onto the Rage Bot. Perhaps one of the most customisable Rage Aimbot's I've ever used in my life. Can literally be customised in anyway you want and includes pretty much everything you would ever need for either Raging Casual or Hack vs Hack.
The aimbot itself is incredibly sharp and is one of the fastest I've seen. The customisations for the aimbot such as "Min Damage" or "Hitchance" all work perfectly so no complaints there.
Nothing more to really say about it really. It's coded incredibly well and deserves all the credit it gets in HvH for completely destroying every other P2C.
I should also mention it's relatively easy to use as long as you have a basic understanding of how to play HvH and what to do in certain situations as well as knowing how to Player List. If you know those things, you will be pretty much unstoppable.
I do however wish there were some minor improvements. Perhaps a checkbox on the playerlist to only show the enemy team would be pretty convenient since I always find myself having to look at a lot of players on a full server and sometimes accidentally correct the wrong person or something like that.
Visuals: (8/10)
Who can complain about the visuals? They are incredibly customisable and offer lots of unique styles as well as providing you all the information you need on the enemy. Chams are probably some of the best/most well made I've seen in a P2C, and the boxes for the ESP are sexy as hell. The grenade tracers are absolutely amazing and will make sure you always land perfect nades.
While I do like FullBox ESP, I do think other styles of Box ESP should be available such as frame/corners. I do also think that perhaps ESP Box Scaling would be a cool idea as well. (Being able to change the size of the ESP box relative to the enemy.
Skin Changer: (7/10)
The Skin Changer is pretty well laid out and all functions properly as expected. However I took a few points from this one due to a few bugs/features I saw with it.
The first 'Bug' I noticed was that on knives, it doesn't show the star. Obviously doesn't effect gameplay at all but is a nice finish to the skin changer.
Another 'bug' was with the kill icons with knives.
A few missing features I noticed with the Skin Changer which I definitely think should be implemented are;
- The ability to apply any skin to any weapon. (Although I can understand how this might be hard to implement with the current layout.)
- The ability to use punctuation/symbols in weapon names.
Misc: (10/10)
Can't really complain about anything here. Everything works exactly as it should and no problems here.
A general issue with the whole KeyInput control of the menu which I think should be fixed though is the ability to unbind a key for KeyInput by pushing ESC or something. Maybe there already is a way to do it and I missed it, but would definitely be more convenient than resetting the config and remaking it if you make 1 bind you don't like or having to edit the cfg file.
Detection Rate: (8/10)
Hasn't been detected in like a year or something, so that's a plus. However, I do think it will get detected again once Valve actually give a shit and make VAC "active" again. That isn't an issue though considering this is one of the biggest P2C's in the world. Obviously they wouldn't go unnoticed.
Staff/Community: (10/10)
The staff are awesome and will always give you a quick and informative response. They all seem very passionate about being here and helping the community which I think is awesome. They are all incredibly friendly and are incredibly dedicated to the site and the community. Another good part about it is that afaik, some of the Staff/Admins are in different timezones, which means that there is someone here to answer your questions almost 24/7.
The community is meh. Some people are nice, some people are aids. Comes with most communities and there isn't much you can do about it. However, that doesn't ruin the quality of the hack so not really any issues.
In conclusion, everything works as it should and other than a few bugs or things missing, it overall is an incredibly good hack. I definitely lean towards using it more on Rage/HvH, but that doesn't mean it is bad for legit. I just choose not to use it for legit really. The staff are incredibly friendly and are always happy to answer your questions and assist you in anyway.
iSeph - Friendly Guy. Incredibly dedicated to the site and will happily answer anything you need help with. + He is a sheep shagger so you know you can trust him.
Now onto the Rage Bot. Perhaps one of the most customisable Rage Aimbot's I've ever used in my life. Can literally be customised in anyway you want and includes pretty much everything you would ever need for either Raging Casual or Hack vs Hack.
The aimbot itself is incredibly sharp and is one of the fastest I've seen. The customisations for the aimbot such as "Min Damage" or "Hitchance" all work perfectly so no complaints there.
Nothing more to really say about it really. It's coded incredibly well and deserves all the credit it gets in HvH for completely destroying every other P2C.
I should also mention it's relatively easy to use as long as you have a basic understanding of how to play HvH and what to do in certain situations as well as knowing how to Player List. If you know those things, you will be pretty much unstoppable.
I do however wish there were some minor improvements. Perhaps a checkbox on the playerlist to only show the enemy team would be pretty convenient since I always find myself having to look at a lot of players on a full server and sometimes accidentally correct the wrong person or something like that.
Visuals: (8/10)
Who can complain about the visuals? They are incredibly customisable and offer lots of unique styles as well as providing you all the information you need on the enemy. Chams are probably some of the best/most well made I've seen in a P2C, and the boxes for the ESP are sexy as hell. The grenade tracers are absolutely amazing and will make sure you always land perfect nades.
While I do like FullBox ESP, I do think other styles of Box ESP should be available such as frame/corners. I do also think that perhaps ESP Box Scaling would be a cool idea as well. (Being able to change the size of the ESP box relative to the enemy.
Skin Changer: (7/10)
The Skin Changer is pretty well laid out and all functions properly as expected. However I took a few points from this one due to a few bugs/features I saw with it.
The first 'Bug' I noticed was that on knives, it doesn't show the star. Obviously doesn't effect gameplay at all but is a nice finish to the skin changer.
Another 'bug' was with the kill icons with knives.
A few missing features I noticed with the Skin Changer which I definitely think should be implemented are;
- The ability to apply any skin to any weapon. (Although I can understand how this might be hard to implement with the current layout.)
- The ability to use punctuation/symbols in weapon names.
Misc: (10/10)
Can't really complain about anything here. Everything works exactly as it should and no problems here.
A general issue with the whole KeyInput control of the menu which I think should be fixed though is the ability to unbind a key for KeyInput by pushing ESC or something. Maybe there already is a way to do it and I missed it, but would definitely be more convenient than resetting the config and remaking it if you make 1 bind you don't like or having to edit the cfg file.
Detection Rate: (8/10)
Hasn't been detected in like a year or something, so that's a plus. However, I do think it will get detected again once Valve actually give a shit and make VAC "active" again. That isn't an issue though considering this is one of the biggest P2C's in the world. Obviously they wouldn't go unnoticed.
Staff/Community: (10/10)
The staff are awesome and will always give you a quick and informative response. They all seem very passionate about being here and helping the community which I think is awesome. They are all incredibly friendly and are incredibly dedicated to the site and the community. Another good part about it is that afaik, some of the Staff/Admins are in different timezones, which means that there is someone here to answer your questions almost 24/7.
The community is meh. Some people are nice, some people are aids. Comes with most communities and there isn't much you can do about it. However, that doesn't ruin the quality of the hack so not really any issues.
In conclusion, everything works as it should and other than a few bugs or things missing, it overall is an incredibly good hack. I definitely lean towards using it more on Rage/HvH, but that doesn't mean it is bad for legit. I just choose not to use it for legit really. The staff are incredibly friendly and are always happy to answer your questions and assist you in anyway.
iSeph - Friendly Guy. Incredibly dedicated to the site and will happily answer anything you need help with. + He is a sheep shagger so you know you can trust him.