I want to purchase a Lifetime subscription for the CSGO hack, but was looking at the master package. I would love to get it, but what's the policy on getting a new PC, or just wanting the hacks for a few games and not all included in the master package? I would love the hack for all CS games, GTA, all COD's, Insurgency, and TF2, but all the other games I don't have and or would never play, so I don't want to pay for those too, is there any type of custom package that you can get? if not, could that kind of thing be added? Also, what would happen if I got a new PC? I tried using the hack on a friends PC and it said my software code didn't match, do I need to use the hack on the same PC that I purchased the hack on? Or is there a way to switch it? I know that the software code thing is to prevent people from selling their account to someone else, but should I wait to buy the hack? I am currently on a shitty laptop, and want to build my own PC sooner or later, but don't want to spend $130+ USD for a hack, and not be able to use it when I make my own PC.